Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Song for Barbra

In honor of Barbra's birthday... I wrote this poem for her. This is the uncut edition.

On the 24th of April in nineteen hundred and forty-two,
a child was born with little hair, but dazzling eyes of blue.

Her name was Barbara and by the time she could speak,
There wasn't another quite like her, she was definitely unique.

She dropped the extra "A" to stand out from the crowd
and when she made music, she always sang proud.

The daughter of Diana, Manny's golden girl,
she made her mark early and was heard 'round the world.

But more than just music, the girl had a glow,
she captured the light when she starred in a show

She dazzled and sparkled when cast on the screen
As Fanny and Katie, Yentl and Lowenstein

Composing, directing and taking control,
the gifts she possessed were a thing to behold

Who could imagine this slip of a thing,
had so much more to share than the songs she could sing?

Here for her birthday, because we all care,
are birthday messages and wishes for our lady so fair.

Dear Barbra, our Barbra, who gives us so much,
whose lifetime of artistry is imbued with her touch.

We cannot wish you more than all of the best,
that you have a long life and continue your quest.

Your legacy is regal, you've been quite supreme,
you've succeeded, it seems, with every kind of dream.

As devoted admirers, we applaud all your feats,
and we stand by again, to rise from our seats.

In arenas or theaters, whatever you do,
we are with you, dear Barbra, our devotion is true.

So enjoy this occasion, bask in the glow,
and know we love you, much more than you know. 

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