Sunday, February 5, 2012

Allison Waldman's Latest Barbra Streisand Vidcast - 'We're Five!'

Welcome to the new videocast. Number Five -- I'm five, I'm five... Today the subject is Barbra fandom!

If you're curious about my new article -- HERE.

Enjoy the vidcast and come back for more next week. Thanks!

Finally, I told you last week that I was going to starting a new chemo, but it turned out the drug I was supposed to get isn't available anymore. So now I'm going to have to try something new. I'll keep you updated about that -- hopefully I won't be showing the side effects on the videos (my hair!!). Naturally, if you would like to help me with my Nothing's Impossible Fund -- my ongoing fight to handle the expenses -- here's the link to PayPal. Any donation is appreciated.

Here's the link to PayPal: From the bottom of my heart, thank you.